Platelet Rich Plasma (prp) treatments edinburgh

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical procedure for hair rejuvenation to delay or stop the progression of hair loss. 

PRP treatments can help both male and female pattern baldness and alopecia as it encourages the growth of existing hair follicles, making your hair appear fuller and healthier without resorting to surgery.

PRP is blood plasma with concentrated platelets, made from your own blood, that contain growth factors that initiate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration. It is therefore the most natural way to stimulate hair growth.


About Platelet Rich Plasma (Prp) Rejuvenation Treatments:

Number Of Sessions: 1

Treatment Time: 60 Minutes

Recovery Time: 3-5 Days

Results Duration: Up to 6 months

Please Note: All results may vary from client to client


Platelet Rich Plasma PRP treatments are effective for improving skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing skin tone and elasticity, and promoting a more youthful and radiant complexion. They can also help with acne scarring and hair restoration.

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Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What happens in a PRP hair treatment?

    To create your PRP a small amount of your blood is taken and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the different types of blood cells.  The platelet rich part of your blood is then extracted to make your personalised PRP serum rich in growth factors.

    Whilst your PRP serum is being prepared your practitioner will gently inject local anaesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable.

    Using specialised equipment your PRP serum is then injected into your scalp, where you are experiencing hair loss, to strengthen and stimulate your hair follicles to promote thicker hair growth.

    Immediately afterwards you will experience redness and mild tenderness with slight bleeding on your scalp which will resolve in 48 hours. 

    Post treatment you must not wash your hair until the following day and cannot use hair styling products for 48 hours. The appearance of your hair during this period will be unattractive and you may wish to arrange time away from work or social activities.

  • Is PRP safe?

    Yes - the major advantage of PRP is that it involves no foreign substances, because your own growth factors extracted from your own blood are used. Which means there is no risk of any disease transmission or allergic reaction.

    Since 2009 medical research on the safety of PRP has been gaining momentum and now both the US FDA and UK's NICE regulatory bodies have confirmed that PRP treatments are safe.

    PRP is used by some NHS trusts in accelerating recovery post operations. PRP is also widely used in sports medicine, with famous athletes such as Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal benefitting from PRP treatments to sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries.

  • Who is suitable for PRP treatments?

    We provide PRP treatments for skin rejuvenation and to reduce hair loss. We do not treat sports injuries. A consultation and physical examination is required to determine if PRP is a suitable treatment for your concern.

  • Is the procedure painful, and is there any downtime?

    A topical numbing cream is usually applied before the procedure to minimize discomfort, making it generally well-tolerated. After the treatment, patients may experience redness, swelling, and mild bruising, which typically subside within a few days. Most people can resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure.

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